Are we products of our environment & my mentor
As I reflect upon the thought, “ are we products of our environment?” I believe that we are products of our environment. I strongly believe that if our environment isn’t a strong environment then we won’t succeed. Some people do push through different obstacles that they face in their environment but a lot of people don’t and they suffer greatly for it. In "The other Wes Moore", Wes and Wes grew up blocks away from each other but were raised by two different families with two different principles. From what I see in the video, the author of this book was raised in a family where they didn’t harm each other or anybody else and he made sure to take that with him as he got older, he did mention getting in trouble at 11 and ending up in handcuffs but he says with intervention, he was able to change his direction. The other Wes More might have learned that when he was younger but he didn’t take that into consideration when him, his brother and two others shot and killed som...